One evening, I was driving my family in a city with the most circuitous road network in the world.

And I was completely lost.

My passengers were scared. It was late at night, and some roads had no street lamps. One of my passengers was my aging aunt, and she was a pessimistic person. She said, “Isn’t this the place were they salvage people and throw the dead bodies in the cogon grass?”

No 8-page article today.

Just a short note on how to be happy.

A psychiatrist who’s been listening to thousands of unhappy patients for 40 years realized that there are three things to be happy. If you have these three things, it’ll be very difficult to be miserable!

Do you have these three things?

1. Something to do

2. Someone to love

3. Something to look forward to

Why did I mention these three things to you?


Yes, make 100%!

Don’t settle for 50% or 60% or 80% or even 90%–if God has given you the ability to make 100%.

Why try to earn more?

There are two very good reasons why you should earn more.

1. You Want To Give More

Once upon a time, I used to earn P800 a month. 

God doesn’t want you to get moist. God doesn’t want you to get damp. God doesn’t want you to get a little bit wet. God wants you to get drenched by a downpour of blessings in 2012.

When you were a baby, were you cute and cuddly?

I know I was. (If you disagree, then you’ll be disagreeing with my mother. Believe me, disagreeing with my mother is very dangerous to your health.)

All babies are cute and cuddly.

Have you noticed? People go gaga over babies.

You know if there’s a baby in the room.

Because everyone, even the adults, become babies too.

In front of an infant, educated and cultured people say “Kookookookookoo, wawawawawa, mememememe, nanananana, yuyuyuyuyu…”

One evening, a man was walking in a dark jungle.

Suddenly, he saw what seemed like a tiger running towards him. Horrified, the man ran away as fast as he could.

But alas, he didn’t know, he was running towards the edge of a high cliff. Below him was a thousand meter drop—and sure death.

He was able to stop and turn around. In the darkness, he saw the tiger moving towards him.

Instantly, he made a decision. He said to himself, “I’d rather die by falling than by a hungry tiger!”

I love talking to older people.

I ask about their successes.

But I also ask about their failures.

And I learn so much!

John Izzo says that unlike younger people, older people are already looking back into their lives. They’re more reflective. And because of that, some of them are wiser.

One day, a man got lost walking in the desert.

The next day, he was still lost.

After two days under the scorching sun, he was very thirsty.

All of a sudden, he saw a little wooden shed.

He ran to it, thinking of only one thing—Water!

When he arrived there, he saw an old, rusty water pump sticking from the ground. He gripped the handle and began pumping like a mad man.

Why do people not grow?

One of the reasons why you’ve remained stagnant is because you haven’t duplicated yourself.

You haven’t followed the Law of Duplication.

But duplication is everywhere.

Nature is based on duplication.

Just look around you and you’ll find it at work.

Once upon a time, there was only Mom and Dad.

I got this crazy list from a friend.

It’s title?

The 9 Ways To Pretend You’re Busy At Work.

Here are 6 of them…

1. Always walk with 3 folders in your hands, even if the folders are empty. People with folders in their hands look like people going to meetings. People with nothing in their hands look like they’re doing nothing. And people with a newspaper in their hands look like they’re going to the toilet.

2. Always leave your entire cubicle messy. Build huge piles of folders on your desk. Build stacks of books on the floor, even if you never read them.   People around you will think you’re overworked.

3. Always look harassed. This will give your bosses the impression that you’re really stressed out because of work.

    Read this first!!!

    This  page is a compilation of blogs from different mentors in network marketing (mostly from coach smurkydad, BO Sanchez, etc.) and was made for all of us who wants to learn more and become an expert in this field.
    God bless us all.

    by: donjaime


    September 2012


    Bo Sanchez
    Randy Gage
    Zig Ziglar